Stan Cropper and his wife Jean’s visit to my house today


Here are Stan Cropper and his wife Jean at my house this afternoon. I was so excited that they came to see my work and chat. I’d been to the Globe studios a few weeks ago to see Stan’s work which you can read about on the pages of this blog. It was great to show paintings and sketchbooks and share thoughts regarding working outside from the motif, and when and how this all happened in our artistic lives. So much common ground. It felt very special and real. Hopefully the start of many more meetings and even a show together



Here are Stan and Jean in my little studio looking at paintings and sketchbooks. It was such a privilege to share what I make and do with artists whose work I respect and admire.


Vanaheim, god and goddess painting with last Tuesday’s reworking

This shot shows my current painting reinterpreting the theme Vanaheim for the Norse mythology collabortation that I’m currently doing with Artipeeps arts group from Cambridge England. I’ve added more colour to the landscape, with darker areas invading parts of the piece. This painting is a way off being complete, and I’m just letting it all sit with me awhile before I do more. I’m on half term holiday now so will be able to do some more probably on Monday and Tuesday. I’m still feeling that I need models for my god and goddess characters. They will emerge into my consciousness and life I’m sure!

God and Goddess in a Landscape, Vanaheim

I decided to bring in a male figural element into this piece. Risky stuff, not used to using the human form for a long while, but want to bring it into these explorations. The feel of Vanaheim is still eluding me, but I’m not forcing anything. I know it will come. I need to get out into nature to do some drawing as well. Maybe at the weekend. I have noticed one or two motifs already. The male model is again from a very old life study done in a small sketchbook. Sometimes these drawings are just waiting to be rediscovered and brought back to life to point me in a new direction. I’ll share the study as well. Don’t forget to click on the images to get enlargements to see the marks more clearly.

Goddess in a landscape (Vanaheim)

This is a painting that I began last Tuesday. I’m taking part in a collaboration again for Artipeeps arts group based in Cambridge England. We’re taking inspiration from the Norse sagas: a mix of artists, poets and musicians. The artists have been assigned a ‘realm’ each to be inspired  by. Mine is Vanaheim. I’ve been researching this but am finding it strangely illusive to visualise. The people who lived in this realm supposedly had a very strong sense of community and are often associated with wisdom, fertility and magic. I’m going with archetypes to begin with. I found a very old life-drawing which has a Goddess feel to it. I used her for the figure in the landscape I created. Here are the stages of making the piece. It’s not complete and I have ideas for the God, so watch this space!

Globe Studios , Toll Bar, Bacup

I visited these studios at the weekend and met some of the great artists who work there. I loved their work, it really resonated with me especially that of Stan Cropper and Michael Kelly. It was so good to talk about art and life with them. They were kind enough to look at my portfolio on the Sunday and said they would come and visit my studio too. They are authentic and visionary artists. I’d love to show with them, we would just have to find a venue. I do believe that will come if it is meant to be. I only got to see their studios by chance after talking to printmaker Alan Birch at his studio down the road from Globe Arts. Here’s some of my photos from the visit. Here’s a pic of Michael talking with a friend. Shots of Michael’s work on this post. I’ll share Stan’s on my next one.