Absolutely chuffed to bits that the painter David Storey, and fellow Cumbrian, has agreed to be our final male artist for the proposed group show based on the theme ‘Self and Other’ at Neoartists in Bolton for the summer of 2018. His painting is very much in tune with the work of the creatives we already have. Onward and upward! Here are my little paintings from around our house all together. Hopefully more bringing together will happen and this is just the beginning! Click to enlarge and see marks more clearly:-)
Monthly Archives: June 2016
Staithes visit
Had a great break at Staithes by the sea for three days just before the referendum. I did some sketching on the beach at Runswick Bay and have an idea for a big oil in the series for the proposed ‘Self and Other’ show at Neoartists in Bolton for 2018. Can’t share my sketch as am guarding the gold so you’ll have to wait and see! I’m so pleased that the poet and musician Simon Beavis is on board, Love his work, it is very relational and makes you rethink stuff. We are now waiting for our final male artist. This is very important and I’m letting go of outcomes, he will come through when he’s meant to and it will be the right person. Here are some Staithes shots for your delectation. I feel so out of my comfort zone with all this exhibition curating not to mention my Artshealth MA writing which is due in August, yikes! Just taken a painting to be framed as well for show with Mo De Rome down in Cambridgeshire in October which I’m also very excited about. Watch this space for further info about private view dates etc.
The Blue Cupboard on handmade green paper
I finished this study in our bathroom today looking towards the door and blue cupboard. I wait and see what comes into my awareness with regards to motifs from around my house. It can be a slow process to realise what is resonating with me at any given moment especially as I am so familiar with it all and the way I interact with the space and its history. I’m still referring to Bachelard’s Poetics of Space as I move through the house and my days. This may just continue to grow as a series or become something more large scale I’m not sure yet. I quite like the idea of a series like a diary. Then maybe I could put them all together.
More little studies on the hand-made green paper
Here are some more of the little acrylic and pencil studies on green paper from around my house. I seem to be feeling very nostalgic about it even though I’m living here, not sure what all that is about. Maybe I sense an impermanence or something. I made one of the lightpull in our bathroom bought for me by my mum. It’s really heavy made of green metal. I’m letting the things in our house tell me if they want to be painted and drawn. There’s one of the bed and of our backyard with the ferns and pots. This is all leading somewhere, maybe another big painting. Our stairs have a special significance for me linking to family, could become a major motif. I will know when it tells me! Watch this space and click images to enlarge to see marks and colours in more detail folks.