This glove puppet is one of my proto-type experiments for my Artshealth MA to use puppetry for social and personal connectivity, in proposed workshops with adult survivors of sexual abuse. Here is my interpretation of The Dong. I made the body out of some canvas found at dad’s house when clearing. I decided to write the words of the first verses of Edward Lear’s famous poem on the body before making it. I used one of my favourite crow feathers to write with after priming the canvas. I didn’t mind that the primer flaked off when I turned the body the right way round after stitching it. It seemed to add to the distressed quality of the Dong. I have been stitching the tails and flaps as well and adding pieces of dyed paper. I will share my latest additions in the next post. Dad read me the poem in one of our last conversations together. He was great at reading poetry and brought the whole thing to life in a very unique way. The puppet comes to life it its own way when animated by the hand inside the glove of the body. I really need to film it!