The show is down at Neoartists gallery

Well the show is down and packed away with pieces sold or taken back by artists or wrapped up waiting to be taken to my house so they can be picked up at a later date. It’s as if it never happened! But it did, and now I have my Thursdays and Fridays back. Hope to be doing some volunteer work with vulnerable adults this term in preparation for my puppetry workshops which need to become real this year. New horizons and ventures beckon ain’t life grand! It’s my last year doing this Artshealth MA which has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. The weight of ethical responsibility is massive, but it is so important. I will keep you posted as to developments everyone.

At the Self and Other show in front of some of my work

Here I am in front of four of my oil paintings in the show. Mo De Rome took the shots so thankyou to her. She is in the show and was really impressed with the space and curation. I am proud and pleased with how it has gone. Lots of wonderful conversations with artists and visitors. Some surprising responses and lots of food for thought as ever. It comes down on Monday 23rd of September so huge thanks to all contributors, those who helped and people who came to see. Onward and upward! Click images to enlarge as usual.