So chuffed to say my coffee morning fundraiser for pilot workshops in puppetry is to go ahead! Here is the poster I designed for it. I want to raise some money for materials for a series of pilot workshops to promote personal and social connectivity for adult survivors of sexual abuse. I have been working towards this over the last four years in my Artshealth MA qualification at the University of Central Lancashire, and at last it is becoming real! Thanks so much to the team at the Grand Venue, Clitheroe for supporting me in this, and to Kevin Roberts my friend and photographer for his support. Not to forget those who will be making the cakes to sell! Do come if you can!
Puppetry workshops for vulnerable adults
The purpose of the puppet making project is to ensure temporary safety and relative comfort in a caring and compassionate environment: to enable but never expect social interaction; to nurture connectivity and continued survivorship (basically this is-self-acceptance, self-protection, coping and relatedness) by sensorial abstract puppet making. The project involves a particular group of trauma survivors working with a volunteer project facilitator who is a qualified teacher and arts-health practitioner and whose expertise is in a therapeutic approach to puppet making.
The purpose of the coffee morning is to raise funds for resource acquisition (puppet making material such as fabrics, paints, clay and thread etc). All welcome, Thursday 30th May 2019. 10-11.30 hrs, Coffee Morning Fundraiser at The Grand Venue, 18 York St., Clitheroe, Lancs BB7 2DL