More photos so you can get a feel of the morning.

More photos so you can get a feel of the morning.
Well, the coffee morning went ahead and I’m really pleased with how it all went. It was at The Grand Venue, Clitheroe. I asked friends and neighbours to bake cakes to sell and then folk who came could eat them and donate so that I can gather a pot of money to pay for art materials for my pilot workshops. These workshops are for vulnerable adults, specifically trauma survivors who have experienced sexual abuse. I want to offer the workshops to an organisation who already counsel such survivors and have a clinical team to support them. This idea of mine is gradually becoming real! I am also in the middle of my Artshealth dissertation at the University of Central Lancashire with this project at its centre. The work will go on way beyond the qualification, as it is so needed now more than ever. I wanted the community to gather round and support such vulnerable survivors through the coffee morning and they have! The coffee morning is primarily social which also chimes with so many aspects of my puppetry project. Here are some shots. The feel was calm and protective which was just what I wanted. Thanks to the Grand team led by Geraldine, and Kevin Roberts who made the video under my direction.
Puppet Making with Vulnerable Adults
Adults can become vulnerable for many reasons, including infirmity, physical illness, mental health issues, and the experience of trauma. This project is specifically with and for adults who experienced trauma that still has far reaching detrimental impacts that drastically impair quality of life. Experiences of trauma vary and this project takes place with and for a group of people who are in support services because they have experienced a particular trauma. All these people are survivors. Typically, survivors will experience enduring maladaptive symptoms, such as: isolation … withdrawal from others … distrust … fear … anxiety … depression … low self-esteem/ self-hatred … ostracization … highly emotive states … recurring/ reliving trauma … impaired ability to cope with everyday life. A few examples of types of trauma survived include, for example: natural disaster … violent attack … rape … warfare … potentially terminal illness … domestic abuse … sexual abuse … potentially fatal stabbing … terrorist incident. The purpose of the puppet making project is to ensure temporary safety and relative comfort in a caring and compassionate environment; to enable but never expect social interaction; and to nurture connectivity and continued survivorship (basically this is – self-acceptance, self-protection, coping, and relatedness), by sensorial abstract puppet making. The project involves a particular group of trauma survivors working with a volunteer project facilitator who is a qualified teacher and arts-health practitioner and whose expertise is in a therapeutic approach to puppet making. The project facilitator will demonstrate practical techniques in sensorial abstract puppet making; guide participants in making their own puppets; offer gentle encouragement and steer engagement to optimise the therapeutic benefits of participation; and gain insights into the participants’ experiences of puppet making to help inform continuing quality enhancements. It is expected that participating in the project will help to counteract the maladaptive symptoms associated with surviving trauma and potentially contribute over the long term to sustained ability to cope with everyday life. The purpose of the coffee morning is to raise funds for resource acquisition (puppet making materials such as fabrics, paints, clay, and string, etc). All welcome: Thursday 30th May 2019, 10-11.30hrs, Coffee Morning Fundraiser at The Grand Venue, 18 York Street, Clitheroe, Lancashire. BB7 2DL.