Am still hand sewing in-between painting sessions as I find it really brings me into the moment during these worrying Covid times, and it links to my proposed puppetry workshops. A friend very kindly gave me some embroidery threads and patchwork fabric which I am really enjoying using. I also use fabric from old dresses and even current ones as well as gifted pieces, The only rule is that they should bring me joy through colour, motif , texture or memory associated with them. I am starting with simple running stiches and experimenting with other more complicated stitch from a V & A booklet which the same friend lent me. Am still continuing with my large oil painting, but not ready to share that yet as I tend to stop if I share too soon and I have more to say I think. Just so happy as am able to paint as I wasn’t able to in the first lockdown as I was just so worried about everyone in hospital. I still am really concerned, but am trying not to watch too much news as I find that really heightens my anxiety. The sewing focuses me, and is so free and creative without planning involved, and its quite exciting seeing where it all ends up! So much more than a distraction but a way in of actualising self as I have learned from my counsellor friends! Click images to enlarge for detail folks…
Monthly Archives: January 2021
Embroidery continued
Phew, into 2021 lets hope it offers some light at the end of the tunnel regarding the Covid situation. I’ve been pottering on with my embroidery and am really enjoying exploring different stitches and layering effects. I even added a bit of clay modelling despite being advised not to by friends on social media. I hope to use such samplers with participants in my proposed workshop for sexual abuse survivors as an aid to connectivity and inter-relatedness. I don’t want to share what I do with them though as I don’t want to unduly influence. Creativity is particular, personal and innate and I hope to bring that out without participants feeling the need to copy or imitate. I will offer bespoke demonstration of stitch and embellishment, but the ideas will very much be their own. You just can’t help but be creative starting with a very simple running stitch. I really believe in the benefits of all this as an aid to bring us into the present, not as a distraction, but to experience the moment in a fuller and un-staid manner. I have sent a proposal to a local facility that offers counselling to such survivors. They said there may be some funding for materials, so fingers crossed that it comes off this year when we get the vaccine and can meet in person. It really does need to be experienced this way on so many levels.