I have been experimenting with this little needlewallet proto-type for myself, and prospectively to make for participants in the proposed puppetry workshops for sexual abuse survivors. I have been reading a wonderful book ‘Threads of Life’ by Clare Hunter and was particularly impressed to learn how important and precious needles were through the ages. It makes sense really! So I got to thinking that making a needle-wallet for myself and the prospective participants in the workshops would be a special gift that makes needles and pins always easy to find. I would link the painting on the silk lining to the drawings made in lock-down at the garden I visit to draw and do a little tidying. Here are some images of what I have been doing. Am on with the second wallet now but will not share that out of respect for the prospective participants. Some things need to stay special and private, but thought you may all like to see my proto-tyoe.
Am still finishing my large oil so watch this space for pics of that when I am done, which isn’t quite yet I feel!