Here is the drawing that I made on the spot that is informing my current embroidery/oil. Still have more to do and love how the work fixes itself in my mind on a daily basis. The slow nature of the sewing helps this and is meditative as it continuously brings you into the present. It is complex so there is not room in your mind for other stuff!
Monthly Archives: October 2022
Birksmere embroidery/oil number two
Here is a detail of a piece I am working on at the moment from a sketch made at the lake earlier this year. I will post the sketch in the next post. It is approaching being done but not quite there yet. This is a delicate stage and am feeling my way towards it. I am leaving things sooner than I used to so as to not over-egg the pudding. I need to get outside again soon I think to do more drawing. I do have an idea for a piece to do over the winter months but will let it mergle with me for a bit as is my wont!