I’ve been stitching into this and adding more oil-bar marks. Am nearing a point where I will leave it alone I think but maybe not just yet!
Monthly Archives: August 2023
Yesnaby cliffs Orkney
This is a dye, oil-bar and stitch response to the cliffs in Orkney done from a sketch made on the spot, my memory and some photos for reference. It was spectacular and I knew straight away when I stood there that I needed to make a drawing. My friend was concerned I would fall off the edge! A metaphor for so many things in my life. I am sharing this now, not sure if I am done, not quite I think. I am letting it settle awhile. I don’t usually share before a work is ‘done’ whatever that is. You just stop at an interesting point! Stitch doesn’t seem to mind being shared so much it seems. Not sharing the sketch yet, may later! We’ll see.