Notes on ‘Smile 3’ today’s drawing

The drawing made today is a further exploration of the song ‘Smile’ written by Sid Wright. This time I am tentatively exploring more of the lyrics visually through colour again using myself as a model. I can’t really share the words yet until the book has been published. I’ve been listening to songs that reflect heartache in all it’s forms. The Ramones, the Rolling Stones and Chris Farlowe’s versions of ‘ Out Of Time’ along with Marianne Faithful’s album ‘Broken English’ provided a soundtrack to my drawing that really resonated. I feel the drawing more than draw it, and use any means I can to get in touch with my emotions. Music is great for that. My whole week builds to my drawing or painting on Mondays. The physical act of drawing or painting is a small part of it. All my 57 years on this earth are behind it! I made another drawing which I will share next along with a close-up of ‘Smile 3’, this other drawing was really a synthesis of the feelings and marks. The hand could be male or female. We are incredibly fragile as human beings. Relationships bring us the greatest joy but also the most misery.