I made these scarvesĀ goodbye gifts for my department as I have retired from my art teaching job after a very long time. I enjoyed it, but it has taken me away from my ‘Solitary Figure’ investigations, and what with the retirement event and being tired am finding it difficult getting back into my own stuff. However, it is really all my stuff! I used older drawings and paintings as inspiration for the gifts. I stretched the silk scarves on a frame and drew the images with Gutta resist on my easel so the scarf was upright. Then I worked flat andĀ floated dyes on there. My friend Mo who I did Fine Art with at Leeds advised me as scarves are her speciality, and she has made me two beautiful ones. These ones I have made are one offs as I wanted to make gifts that incorporated my mark making and colour. Anyway, here are some shots. Don’t forget to click on them to enlarge and see things in more detail.