‘Chair with handbag and scarves’ and ‘Inside the closet’

I made these two studies in a new sketchbook I was gifted by my son at Christmas. It has lush handmade paper and I am just finding out what I can and can’t do with the it!. The surface is quite bumpy and I tried using oilbars as I have been enjoying their texture and rich colour in recent work. The paper is a good support for the oilbar but fine detail is nigh impossible. I then thought I could introduce some stitch as the paper is really sturdy. This is working quite well and I may continue to experiment in this way. These studies are providing interesting halfway houses before I embark on a new theme. I always feel quite bereft when I leave a piece that has taken awhile and I have been immersed within it. The muse always returns in some form and I am staying open and trusting that it will! Click to enlarge as usual folks!