Here is the sketch I made on the spot at the top of the cliffs in Orkney. It was such a dramatic surprise coming to the edge of the cliff from the carpark. I knew straight away that I wanted to draw them. I used soft pastel and pencil for this. It was this sketch that I used for my recent diptych shared on this blog using dye and stitch on canvas as well as some oilbar.
Author Archives: H Burns
Yesnaby cliffs Orkney diptich
It is a sad day for me as am coming to the close of this little piece. I never like endings and this particular response is no different. However, you have to know when to leave something alone and not just keep going for the sake of it as it were. Click to enlarge as usual. I have used a little oil-bar on here as well as the stitch and pebeo dyes on sized rough canvas. It was made from a small sketch created on the spot which I will share soon…
Yesnaby cliffs Orkney diptich : second panel
Am sharing this second panel with hand stitching so far. This is incredibly slow work but I don’t mind that! The action is satisfying, meditative and stays with me as I think about marks. It is drawing in a different media afterall. I am not finished yet and will introduce some other media soon I think. I split the threads even down to a single strand to provide different effects.
Yesnaby cliffs Orkney sketch
This little study was made in a small sketchbook (A5) on the spot in this spectacular location. I used it for the oIl-bar, dye and stitch piece I have recently shared on this blog. I knew straight away that I wanted to draw when I saw this and sat down with my pencil and pastels The cover from my pastels box blew away and there was a hairy moment when I had to retrieve it from near the edge of the cliff. All was good though, and my friends who went walking whilst I drew found me again and we were all happy to return to our holiday cottage to exchange stories.
I am now on with another dip-tich in the same media of another sketch I made at this location. I won’t share the sketch yet as there is a very real danger that I stop working on it if I share such things too soon. The stitching itself doesn’t seem to mind being shared, and I will continue to do so as I go along as with previous work. Onward and upward. This is a super slow process and will keep me going for quite some time I think.
Yesnaby cliffs Orkeny new embrodiery /oilbar piece
Well, l I have started this new diptych on dyed stretched rough canvas. It’s the last of the canvas that came from my dad. I had just enough to stretch onto two little wooden rectangles. I sized them and dyed them with my pebeo dyes. Then I started stitching from a little sketch made on the spot at Yesnaby cliffs Orkney. The stitching is taking ages as it is so slow but I quite like that. I also like separating the strands of thread to different thicknesses. It is drawing, but meditatively and super slowly! Time takes on a new dimension! Will post the sketches for this and the last piece when I am ready which isn’t yet…
Yesnaby cliffs Orkney further work
Yesnaby cliffs Orkney
This is a dye, oil-bar and stitch response to the cliffs in Orkney done from a sketch made on the spot, my memory and some photos for reference. It was spectacular and I knew straight away when I stood there that I needed to make a drawing. My friend was concerned I would fall off the edge! A metaphor for so many things in my life. I am sharing this now, not sure if I am done, not quite I think. I am letting it settle awhile. I don’t usually share before a work is ‘done’ whatever that is. You just stop at an interesting point! Stitch doesn’t seem to mind being shared so much it seems. Not sharing the sketch yet, may later! We’ll see.
‘Inside the Closet’
Garden End
Here is today’s oil-bar on canvas with stitch element. I made this final little response to the garden I visited the other week where I did a sketch on the spot as shared on this blog. I am stopping a bit sooner than usual as I can overdo things if I’m not careful! Enjoyed the lush oil-bars immensely! Onto pastures new now….
Garden Start
Oil-bar study I made yesterday on a small canvas the same size as the previous one I shared. I am referencing the sketch I made at the garden where I do a little tidying. I was unsure if I was going to use the sketch for further work but it seems that I am! The whole process is so organic, so I stay open to where it all takes me. I tried using paper masks on top of some of the marks I made, but didn’t really like it so just worked in further with the oil bars and feel more on track again. Don’t know if it is finished yet! Watch this space…