Here is my dawn cloth with latest stitching efforts. It is more of a meditation really so it doesn’t matter how long it takes. It’s been months on and off. A friend brought me some more embroidery threads, especially the blues. which I was grateful for. I hope to do such creative work with the sexual abuse survivor workshop participants which I have discussed on here. The touch of the cloth and threads really brings you into now. The stitching feels like breathing as the thread goes in and out. Someone even said I could frame it but then you wouldn’t be able to touch it and that is what I want even when it is ‘done’, Though I don’t know when that will be. The back is a mess but I quite like that and will share some shots soon. The lady who brought me the blue threads said the back should be as neat as the front! That is the old way, but I want these embroideries to be whatever you want them to be, there are no ‘shoulds’ or ‘ought toos’! That’s the whole point! There is real freedom here. No other peoples ideas for motifs or how to do it or approach it. This is truly personal…